divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

"Daisy" the cloned cow who can be end the milk allergy

New Zeland Scientists genetically create a cow whose milk doesn't cause intolerance.
More that fiffty years after the sheep "Dolly" the first cloned mammal in the world, in New Zealand, a group of scientists have created a genetically cow, called "Daisy". This cow hope producing the first milk allergy proof . Also, ensure that the milk of this animal which curiously, was born without a tail, isn't more tolerable for the body, it's also more nutritous than the normal milk.

"The creation of this cow it's a very important advance for the population, because some persons are intolerable to one component of the normal milk. A lot of people who is not tolerant to this component usually don't drink milk and isn't a important problem, but it's a problem when a baby has this problem. In the first age the babys need to drink maternal milk and it's contains this component not tolerable, so this is a very grat advance.Some people says that it's a bad thing modify an animal because isn't a natural thing and when we delete this component it can reduces the life expectancy of the animal."

divendres, 28 de setembre del 2012

The glass: new way to keep information

quartz crystal
The Japanish company Hitachi presented a prototype of a digital storage of information consisting of small pieces of quartz crystal able for keeps information for millions of years.

The life of a CD or a hard drive is limited to several decades so that researchers are perfecting a glass to archive forever. Hitachi proposes keeping binary information into four layer of dots printed ina small quartz glass plate. Glass resists to water, heat, radiation and the most of chemicals. storing binary data into four layers of dots printed in a small quartz glass plate, a material resistant to water, heat, radiation and most chemicals. In each layer holds about 40 Mb but memory can be enlarge by increasing the thickness.
Definety the Japanish science advance a lot, Before, they get to keep a lot of information in a little memory card, and there you can put films, music, pictures, programmes, documents... But now, we can keep information in a small peace of transparent glass! It's a very interesting discovery for the world because we can keep better our information and we can read it with a optical microscope.

Cuba discover a vaccine for the prostate cancer

prostate vaccine
International Congress on the company Labiofam mention that the vaccine has already been tested on 56 pacients in advanced stage, which they haven't recived radiotherapy or chemotherapy. This vaccine had to be applied in the advanced stage of the cancer. The result of the test is that this vaccine improvement in the quality of pacients life. Also, Labiofam discusses natural medicins for the cancer therapy, dietetic suplements, virial and bacterial vaccines...

Fraga Castro said Cuba produce technologies to design some 150 pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements for the treatment of various human diseases. 

I think that this discovery solve a lot of humans life because prostate cancer is very typical on men. It could be one of the most important discoverys of the year. The science advancing a lot in the last century, in a short time I think that the scientists will discover the solution for a lot of diseases that today kill many humans life.

divendres, 21 de setembre del 2012

"Twenty Africans entered in Melilla jumping the fence of border"

Between twenty and thirty Africans have managed enter to Melilla jumping the fence which delimits the border. The acts were produce very early in the morning in China Town. The police attempted to hold back the immigrants but anybody results hurt. El Barkani said that if the fence are there it's for a reason, and the police did a correct conduct as they only protected the townsfolks. Barkani added that it's probably that this act repeats again.

"I think that the big quantity of immigrants who wants to enter to Spain it's a problem for the Spanish people. This immigrants, works in Spanish land with low wages and replaced Spanish people. They receive a lot of aids for eat, education, health than Spanish people. The stoppage increases as more immigrands arrive, and more Spanish people haven't get a job."

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

final reflection

I think that I have improved a lot my english since 2009, in grammar as well vocabulary. After, I wrote with short and simply sentences, but now I used more complex sentences are more long. The last year I don't know how to use the future and the past perfect, but this year I learnt how to use it and the conditionals too. 

I think that the thing that I more improved are grammar because I learnt a lot of tenses and how to use it. Like the present perfect, the first, second, third and zero conditional, future, future perfect...

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012


Hundreds of Egyptian protesters are occupying in Cairo's Tahrir Square in a effort to capitalise on popular anger following the trial of Hosni Mubarak. There were mass protests on Saturday and overnight against what many see as lenient sentences handed down against the ex-president and security aides.

The Muslim Brotherhood's presidential candidate toured the square and called for "the revolution to continue".Correspondents say a verdict that was meant to bring closure for Egypt is in danger of reopening old wounds. "The best guarantee to reach our goals is for the revolution to continue," Mr Mursi added.

In my opinion is a good thing that inhabitants rebel to their government because like this the goverment cn see what they are doing wrong and improve it. As well, doing this they have the opportunity to show their oppinions and to say a word about everything that it's going around their city.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-18313247 ]

Self Evalutaion

For this presentation we use a power point with images, all the images are very shocking and relevant and attractive to the audience. Our presentation last 7 miutes witch was the time stipulated. The presetation was well done but the problem was that we read a lot. We don't saw the audience all the time because we read our notes a lot. We don't do any gestures. We organized very well our power point, in order from importance, and we use discourse markers to make our ideas more clean. The topic wasn't very interesting I think that we had to choose a diferent topic, and our information wasn't clean, but we used some examples. Our information are a little copied from internet, but we taked the information from books, internet... Our grammar is correct: the verbs are clean, and the words were in order. Our vocabulary is rich in topic-related vocabulary and expressions, but we didn't use a lot of synonyms and phrasal verbs. We use some linkers like: moreover, however, etc. As well, we used some pause fillers. We knew the pronunciation of all the words, because we had prepareted before the presentation but when we were in front of the audience the words  didn't come. We used the same tone of voice all time and we speed with breaks and interruptions.

My conclusion of our self.evaluation is that we should have prepared more the presentation.