divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2012

"Daisy" the cloned cow who can be end the milk allergy

New Zeland Scientists genetically create a cow whose milk doesn't cause intolerance.
More that fiffty years after the sheep "Dolly" the first cloned mammal in the world, in New Zealand, a group of scientists have created a genetically cow, called "Daisy". This cow hope producing the first milk allergy proof . Also, ensure that the milk of this animal which curiously, was born without a tail, isn't more tolerable for the body, it's also more nutritous than the normal milk.

"The creation of this cow it's a very important advance for the population, because some persons are intolerable to one component of the normal milk. A lot of people who is not tolerant to this component usually don't drink milk and isn't a important problem, but it's a problem when a baby has this problem. In the first age the babys need to drink maternal milk and it's contains this component not tolerable, so this is a very grat advance.Some people says that it's a bad thing modify an animal because isn't a natural thing and when we delete this component it can reduces the life expectancy of the animal."

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